BTGP(Basic Terminal Graphics Package) is a package that allows you to create a string of characters and print it to a console.
You can integrate the package by using a graphics library and showing the output to an actual window as a font, allowing you to do more advanced stuff, like using the mouse or playing sounds.

You can also use some basic colors that rely on the ANSI color codes. The colors are not perfect and they may differ from terminal to terminal.

By the way, this package is just a small project I made for fun. Please use this only for arcade games/apps and not for something serious. However, if you create anything with it, I’d love to see it!

BTGP v2 is available in Lua, while BTGP v1 (the older version) is available in Lua, Java and Python.

Authorla fleur
Tags2D, Retro


BTGP v2 (Lua version).zip 4.5 kB
BTGP v1 (old version) (all language vesrions).zip 8.3 kB

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